No easy task. But GRM by CTS offers sustainable solutions. One milestone: significantly extended service life of the asphalts designed with it. Read here what else GRM by CTS can contribute:
CTS Bitumen commissioned the Swiss company "Umtec Technologie AG" to prepare a comparative life cycle assessment. The RmB G types according to TL RmB-StB By were compared with commercially available polymer-modified bitumens according to TL Bitumen-StB 07/13 and PmB A 25/55-55 RC (+). The results are clear and speak for the use of rubber modification from an ecological point of view. Here you can find interesting details in a summary: Download report
After every use there is also recycling. You can read about our customers' experiences with rubber-modified mixes in their asphalt mixing plants here. Download statement BAM
"Special features of the use of asphalt granulate in rubber-modified asphalts" ["asphalt" 05/2017] In this paper, the authors come to a clear conclusion: it is basically possible without any problems. And as soon as a constant degree of modification has to be maintained, there is no getting around dry addition of the corresponding modifiers (e.g. CRM by CTS). Download article
Almost 12 years ago, the Institute Dr.-Ing. Gauer (IFB) dealt intensively with this topic in its statement no. S 043. The reason for this statement was isolated enquiries from contractors who were looking for information on the recyclability of rubber-modified asphalts "from an asphalt technology / emission law point of view". Download statement
And if you want to know how rubber modified binders behave with regard to other pollutant emissions, then take a look at the following article from "Asphalt & Bitumen" 3/2018: Rubber modified binders. Download article